TRIPLE glazed, Low-E ARGON GAS Always. Choice of all TRADITIONAL window styles OR Euro-style Tilt & Turn ... GREEN TNT windows
Any window style you want but we recommend our GREEN TNT Euro-style Tilt & Turn outperforms other windows by a wide margin. In Europe, as in much of the world, advanced German-designed Tilt & Turn Windows are the Gold Standard 93% of our customers agree! Made-in-Ontario, CANADA
Click the link below to see why.
My name is JIm Butler and I'm the Founder of Green Window & Door Inc. I've lived in the Stratford-St. Marys Area for 14 years. My passion for WINDOWS was lit in 2013 and it dovetails with an enthusiasm for building Green & Healthy Homes since 1993.
I hope and expect Green Window & Door will become a force for change in the window industry. The days of the Tin Man slam-dunking sales should be a thing of the past. We have the internet to Compare. We have the internet to Complain.
But Beware of Bogus Reviews Today - they are rampant and one hopes the courts will right this systemic fraud before long.
Ultimately, your satisfaction is my responsibility.
And I'm doing everything in my power to increase Choices, Improve Quality and Provide Better Service.
It's another great day for Windows (& Doors)!
Jim Butler - President
We Are...
My name is Jim Butler, Founder of Green Window & Door Inc. We've been living in the Stratford & St. Marys Area for some 15 years. My passion for WINDOWS began in 2013 and connects to my environmental testing company from 1993 with an enthusiasm for Green & Healthy Homes.
People think ‘Windows are Windows’ but product, install, companies and people are vastly different. The 1960s-style ‘Tin Man’ sales technique survives and thrives. Today, you have the internet to help you Compare Apples-to-Apples and then to Review your experience. Green Window customers sell my windows for me. In their homes, even. I hope one day Green Window & Door will overturn the window industry with Green & Healthy Windows.
Ultimately, your satisfaction is my responsibility.
You call me for Service not a Customer Service Voicemail Box. Better Choices, Better Quality, Better Install and Provide Better Service.
(And yes, I know, pandemic pic - we’re looking for another picture)
It's another great day for Windows (& Doors)!
James Butler - President/CEO
Tilt & Turn Windows (Green TNT)
Tilt and Turn Demo
Tilt and Turn Demo
Storm Demo (Hurricane In A Box)
12 Year Old Burglar On Standard Window
Green Window Offers Triple Energy Windows ONLY. Unique design with a choice of Euro-style Tilt & Turn windows Green TNT at prices equal to/or better than standard Energy Star. Green saves you Money. Premium Product & Service, affordable prices.
The wide open TURN function allows for the Most Air, to be introduced into a room most quickly and easily.
The TILT function (opening 5-6 inches top) allows the Most Efficient Air Exchange for ongoing operation.
Note: While in TILT mode, no Rain gets in to damage interior walls or floors etc. No intruders get in either. While in TILT mode, there’s no Unwanted Drafts. While in TILT mode, still Reduces Exterior Noise.
Simultaneous Multi-lock (6-8), more secure design. Again, Secure while in the most common TILT mode.
Adjustability after earthquakes of house-shifting, unlike other windows, TNT is adjustable in 5, 10, or 25 yrs.. Always a perfect fit.
The wide open TURN function allows for the Most Air, to be introduced into a room most quickly and easily.
The TILT function (opening 5-6 inches top) allows the Most Efficient Air Exchange for ongoing operation.
Note: While in TILT mode, no Rain gets in to damage interior walls or floors etc. No intruders get in either. While in TILT mode, there’s no Unwanted Drafts. While in TILT mode, still Reduces Exterior Noise.
TILT Mode Safer for Kids & Pets.
Dual Gasket Compression Seal & TNT Hardware makes for a Better Fit Against the Elements.
Sound Mitigation – Better Insulation means better Sound Control.
No reaching, stretching or ladders. Windows open IN For Fast and Easy Cleaning.
Exterior screen means no bug/insect collections
TNT Windows have a stronger frame, load capacity and wind resistance than North American windows so we can make then with a larger width and height. This also makes for a Larger Unobstructed View.